First ECWA Church Kaduna Celebrates 70 Years of Existence

Written by Basirat Memudu

The First Evangelical Church Winning All-ECWA established in 1952 in Kaduna has celebrated 70 years of existence and the birth of over 200 local churches.

At the event held at the church premises in Gwari Road Kaduna, the ECWA General Secretary, Reverend Dr. Yunusa Nmadu admonished Christians not to have any fear in their life endeavors as God has promised everlasting life and protection to all his followers.

Reverend Yunusa Nmadu who read from Psalm 100 verses 1 to 5 said the most important thing for a Christian life is that of thanksgiving to God whether in good or bad situation.

The ECWA General Secretary who commended leaders and members of the church for their resilience emphasized that fear of the unknown is not part of christian life and urged the congregation to dedicate their lives, knowledge and wealth to growth of the church.

In the words of former Chief of Army Staff, General Martin Luther Agwai who grace the occasion said there were many things to learn and experience about life stating that it was not all about bed of roses but there must be endurance.

General Agwai stated that he, and many other prominent Nigerians like General Zamani Lekwot grew up as members of the Church and commended present and former leaders for holding into truth and holiness that led to greater achievement of the church.

The host pastor, Reverend Zakariah Gado said he felt satisfied and elated seeing the caliber of people that attended the event.

Reverend Zakariah Gado emphasized that ECWA church Gwari Road is the first ECWA Church established in Kaduna in 1952 and has given birth to 4 district churches comprising of more than 200 churches.

Notable members of the church including Josiah Buzun of Radio Nigeria were decorated with medals and awards for active membership, commitment and exemplary christian lifestyles.

The event was saturated with colourful atmosphere and inspirational songs as members gave a dancing step similar to that of David in the Bible to express gratitude to God Almighty.

Shindong Bala