A Federal lawmaker representing Gwaram federal constituency in jigawa state has criticised the move by the Centeal Bank of Nigeria on the issue of cybersecurity levy
Hon Yusuf Shitu Galamba of the New Nigerian Peopls Party NNPP made the criticism in an interview with newsmen after the National Assembly passed the amended Act establishing the levy recently in Abuja.
Hon Yusif Shitu Galambi said yes the Act has been passed by the National Assembly but considering the critical condition majority Nigerians are facing such levy should not have been introduced on the electorates at the moment
Hon Galambi argued that the reasons given for the CBN action is not concrete enough at this time when the issues of fuel subsidy , inflation, hunger and above all economic hardships are still in full operation among Nigerians.
The lawmaker further said Although we learnt that the idear is to protect the monies lodged in the bank but this is the sole redponsibilty of every bank world wide therfore Not only the lawmakers even the ordinay Nigerians are totally against this move by the Central Bank of Nigeria to charge certain levies in each transactions made in the bank
“He said no matter how important the law is in boosting the Country’s revenue generation and protect cyber crime, when compare with the hardships of fuel subsidy removal where in some places people buy a litre for one thousand naira, the issue of electricity terrif and other hardships imposed.on people it is totally wrong to increase levy at the moment.”
Similarly Some Nigerians are arguing that this is only meant to terget businessmen and elites but Hon Galambi explained how this affect the ordinary people
“He said only ordinary people are paying this prices because no matter what you charge business people they must ensure they have profit in their business thereby in turn it is the ordinary Nigerian will pay not the business people.”
However, In a related development Hon Yusuf Shitu Galambi commended the federal Government in the recent increase of salaries and allowances of judicial officers saying this is good and inline with the best practices , adding that if properly implemented it will help in the fight against corruption and related dirty practices in Nigeria
“He said provided Judiciary will do their practices in accordance with the ethical provision of the law, rule of and justice system, things will automatically change for the better in the country, saying things have gone contrary because the system is not working in accordance with the provisions of the law.”
He also argued that how can a system works smoothly in a situation when a judge with a meager salary is adjudicating on some one who is accused to have stolen billions from the Government treasury, with this kind situation fighting corruption will be only a myth .
Bashir M