BNSG Plans repatriation of IDPs

Written by Basirat Memudu
UN Deputy Secretary General, Amina Mohammed and Borno State Governor, Babagana Zulum during the Courtesy call

The United Nations-UN has promised to scale up support for the resettlement of aaàa Displaced Persons back to their ancestral homes.

UN Deputy Secretary General, Amina Mohammed made the promise during a courtesy visit to Borno state Governor, Babagana Zulum in Maiduguri shortly after an assessment visit to Banki town, Bama local government.

Amina Mohammed said the purpose of her visit to Borno state is to find a pathway for the resettlement and reintegration of displaced persons living in camps to their communities.

Ms Mohammed pointed out that during her visit to one of camps in Banki, a boarder town with Cameroon Republic, shows the willingness of the IDPs to return home following restoration of peace in their area.

According to her, despite the setback caused by Boko Haram insurgency, Borno has a lot of opportunities that can propel it to the path growth and development.

“Borno state in itself is a destination for investment, I think is very timely that we visit not just on the humanitarian site but also from the development site. If we to come out from the crisis one must come to situation where you find prosperity and a sustainable livelihood”.

Amina Mohammed assured of UN’s continued collaboration to bring sustainable peace and restore livelihood of victims of insurgency in the state.

Borno state Governor, Babagana Zulum said the gradual return of peace in the liberated communities informed the resettlement drive of the state government.

Governor Zulum announced fifth December as date for the commencement of the repatriation of Nigerian refugees from Minawao camp Cameroon Republic to Banki town.

The Governor noted that his administration has now focus on how to provide sustainable livelihood to the returnees and be less dependent on aid intervention from humanitarian organisations.

Correspondent Dauda Iliya reports that the Deputy Secretary General was accompanied on the visit by the Special Representative of UN Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel Mohammed Ibn Chambas, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Edward Kallon and senior officials.

Dauda Iliya