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FG extends ease of lockdown

Written by Basirat Memudu

Federal Government has adjusted the curfew from 12 midnight through 4am, as part of the gradual easing of lockdown measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.

National coordinator of PTF, Dr. Sani Aliyu

National Coordinator of the Presidential Task Force -PTF on COVID-19, Dr Sani Aliyu, stated this on Thursday during a briefing in Abuja.

Dr Aliyu explained that people on essential service and travellers returning from abroad are exempted from the curfew.

He also stated that all limitations to land travels have been lifted and markets across the country can now open and operate all day.

In the same vein, the national coordinator, also said cinemas and amusement parks can also operate, with the exception of bars and night clubs.

Dr Aliyu however, urged States considering reopening of schools to conduct risks assessment before doing so, to enable safety of all.