‘Address Proliferation Of State Owned Universities’- ASUU

Written by Godwin Duru

The Academic Staff Union of University, ASUU Kano zone has called on the federal government to address the proliferation of state owned Universities aimed at salvaging the educational system of the country.

Chairman of the union, Professor Abdulkadir Muhammad made the call while briefing Journalists in Kano shorty after their meeting at Bayero University Kano.

He said federal government claimed that a bill to amend Nigeria University Commission Act targeted at empowering the NUC towards addressing the proliferation of state owned universities is before the National Assembly.

Professor Abdulkadir Mohammad said it was very pertinent for the federal Government to expedite action in ensuring that all necessary measures were being taken to address numerous challenges Nigerian Universities were Facing .

” We called on the national assembly to as a matter of urgency, consider and pass the bill due to bad governance and under funding of such universities.

” our state owned universities may soon collapse beyond redemption because visitors to such universities have turned establishment as a project for appeasing electorate in their senatorial and state constituencies”.

He further reminded the federal government to honour the agreement reached with ASUU geared towards uplifting the Educational sector.

” after nine months strikes which stipulate that government will fund the universities with a view to revitalize public universities.

” The government offered to inject Thirty Billion Naira, as tranche of Two Hundred and Twenty Billion Naira on or before 31st January, 2021.

” The government also agreed to release the sum of Twenty Five Billion to universities as earn academic allowance by May 2021 as part payment of outstanding arrears”.

The Zonal Chairman noted with dismay that the issue was yet to be fulfilled by the federal government , saying ASUU was patiently waiting for proper implementation.

On the issue of visitation panel to federal universities, the union noted that the panels had completed their assignments.

The union urged government to expedite action on issuance of white paper and full implementation of the recommendation thereof.

It further called on the stakeholders in education sector and well meaning Nigerians to implore federal government to honour their agreement for the smooth continuation of the current industrial peace and harmony in Nigerian campuses.

Abdullahi Jalaludeen