Education News

ASUU Decries Non-payment Of Salaries

Written by Basirat Memudu

Academic Staff Union of Universities ASUU has express displeasure over non-payment of salaries since February last year to over one thousand members across Federal Universities in the country.

ASUU also expressed concern over withholding of check off dues to it members.

The Chairperson, University of Abuja Branch of ASUU, Dr Kasim Umar stated this at a news briefing in Abuja.

Dr Umar explained that out of the over one thousand members whose salaries were withheld, sixty seven of them were Academic staff of the University of Abuja.

‘’The AGF under the leadership of Mr Ahmed Idris withheld salaries of over one thousand members across federal universities, with University of Abuja Branch having 67 members who are yet to be paid since February 2020 to date. In the same vein, over 38 of our members are owed arrears of Eight months salaries. Where salaries were paid to some members, it was not accompanied with pay advice or pay slip. In addition, check off of the branch was amputated with payment of 5% as check off dues, and 95% balance unaccounted for 19 months’’. He said.

Dr Umar said the Academic Staff Union of Universities suspended its strike in December last year with condition to give the federal Government time for the implementation of the MOA signed by the Federal Governemnt and the Union.

He noted that salaries of members and check off to the union has not been paid despite the non-victimization clause signed in the memorandum of Action that led to the suspension of the strike.