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PMB Calls For Unity Among African Leaders To Counter Terrorism

Written by Basirat Memudu

From Bello Wakili (Abuja)

President Muhammadu Buhari has condemned the killing of 70 people in Zaroumdareye, a border town between Niger Republic and Mali by militants, describing the incident as another clarion call for united action by African leaders against terrorism.

President Muhammadu Buhari

In a statement, the President expressed shocked over the large scale death of innocent people at the hands of militants.

“Africa is facing grave security challenges on account of the evil campaign of indiscriminate violence by terrorists in the Sahel and only united action can help defeat these vicious enemies of humanity.”

He stated that “terrorism has now become like a contagion of evil that can spread anytime, if united action is not taken.”

Muhammadu Buhari noted that “the destabilisation of Libya in 2011 is producing domino effects on the security of other African countries including Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon and others”.

According to him, the looting of Libyan armouries in the aftermath of Gaddafi’s fall has put dangerous weapons into the hands of terrorists and other criminals,.

President Muhammadu Buhari said Africa was united by common fate and therefore the continent must act in concert to defeat “evil men who target innocent people.”