Christmas: Reps Minority Caucus Advocates Prayers For Peace

Written by Yusuf Zubairu

Minority Caucus in the House of Representatives has urged Nigerians to use the yuletide period to intensify prayers for divine intervention as the nation battles insecurity and dwindling economy.

In a statement by the House Minority leader Mr Ndudi Elumelu, urged Christians to use this year’s Christmas to reawaken their collective sense of unity, love, selflessness and tolerances with one another.

Mr Elumelu emphasized that though, this year’s celebration was low key due to the prevailing economic and security situation in the country, Nigerians should leverage on God’s love to eschew divisive tendencies and sectional acrimonies especially at this trying time.

The minority caucus however, appealed to those behind the perennial violence, mindless killings, kidnapping and banditry to retrace their steps for the country to return to it’s united, peaceful and prosperous symbol of happy and hardworking.

The statement further advised Nigerians to continue to be security conscious as well as adhere to COVID-19 protocols during the festive periods to check the spread of the disease.