Aviation Sector Reform Is Timely-Captain Abdulsalam Muhammad

Written by Basirat Memudu
Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria

National Assembly’s move to review laws establishing the activities of the nation’s Aviation sector has been described as timely and a step in the right direction.

The Rector, Nigerian College of Aviation Technology Zaria, Captain Abdulsalam Muhammad made the statement while Speaking to National Assembly Correspondents during a Public hearing in Abuja.

House of Representatives Committee on Aviation recently embarked on a public hearing following the receipt of some executive bills aimed at reviewing the laws establishing the operations of the Aviation industry.

Nigerian College of Aviation Technology Zaria, was established in 1964 and was among the agencies affected by the review exercise.

Captain Abdulsalam Muhammad, explained that the Nigerian College of Technology Zaria, has recorded a tremendous achievement since it’s inception 55 years ago stressing that reviewing the act will enable it become among the recognized institutions in the country.

Captain Abdulsalam Muhammad further confirmed that the college is planning to establish another department on Airport rescue and fire fighting apart from the existing five departments that deal with air traffic control, satellite training, air traffic engineers among others.

He said as part of effort to meet the global standard practice in the training of students, the College has acquired 20 new aircrafts and 6 have so far been delivered while the remaining 14 will be delivered early next year.

The Rector however, expressed satisfaction that the college since inception has graduated thousands of students who are currently contributing effectively in the Aviation sector within and outside the country.

Captain Abdulsalam who lamented insufficient fund in thier annual budgetary allocation appealed for more funding to enable them execute many developmental project in the college.