Kaduna NLC Congratulates New Emir of Zazzau

Written by Basirat Memudu

Nigeria Labour Congress( NLC) , Kaduna State Council has congratulated Ambassador Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli on his coronation today as the 19th Emir of Zazzau at Zaria .

In a statement jointly signed by the Chairman of the Council, Comrade Ayuba Magaji Suleiman and the Secretary, Comrade Christiana John Bawa also congratulated the people of Zazzau Emirate and Kaduna State in general for the great historic event.

The statement appeals to the newly coronated traditional leader to emulate his predecessor, the late Emir of Zazzau, Dr. Shehu Idris who united the people of the State while his reign lasted.

The statement also appeal to people of Zazzau Emirate and Kaduna State to accord all the support needed for the new Emir to succeed.

NLC also prays to Almighty Allah to give the 19th Emir of Zazzau, Ambassador Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli the best tenure that will be beneficial to all humanity in the State and the country in general.

The Ancient city has since been filled to capacity by dignitaries including; politicians, government functionaries,traditional and religious leaders,businessmen, families friends and well wishers ,who arrived yesterday to witness the occasion.

Ambassador Bamalli ascended to the throne following the demise of the late Emir of Zazzau, Dr. Shehu Idris who passed on Sunday 20th of September this year after raining for 45 years.