Unions join forces over workers welfare in Kaduna

Written by Basirat Memudu

United Labour Congress has reconciled with the Nigeria Labour Congress in Kaduna state to vigorously pursue workers welfare as directed by the National Secretariat of NLC.

Addressing journalists shortly after a Joint State Executive Council reconciliation meeting, held at the Textile Labour House in Kaduna, the state Chairman of NLC, Comrade Ayuba Magaji Suleiman and the Chairman of the defunct ULC, Comrade Ephraim James Jonah, said the reconciliation will make the labour movement stronger and united.

According to the NLC Chairman, “We are here to inaugurate the reunion of NLC and ULC as one Congress after the decision of the NLC national secretariat”.

 At the NLC NEC meeting on July 16, 2020, the two parties came together to hold joint NEC meeting and inaugurate the two factions into one entity.

“All parties have given their consent and agreed to work together. Kaduna state NLC council has inaugurated the reunion of the two labour centres”.  In his words ‘’From today in Kaduna state, we have only one NLC with over 50 affiliates. Our coming together will give us more strength and unity and the workers will be loyal to support the struggle of NLC to fight for the welfare of ordinary workers.’’