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President Muhammadu Buhari inaugurates Committee on Agenda 2050

Written by Yusuf Zubairu

Photo: Tolani Alli

President Muhammadu Buhari has inaugurated the National Steering Committee NSC to oversee the development of the Nigeria Agenda 2050 and Medium-Term National Development Plan MTNDP to succeed Vision 20:2020 and the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan ERGP 2017 – 2020 which both lapse in December this year.

Speaking, during inauguration at the Presidential Villa Abuja,  President Buhari said the National Steering Committee for development of Successor Plans to Vision 20:2020 and ERGP would be jointly chaired by Mr Atedo Peterside and the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Dr (Mrs) Zainab Ahmed.

On the composition of the committee, the President said in order to ensure a truly consultative, participatory and inclusive planning process, the membership will comprise representatives of one State governor from each of the 6 Geopolitical Zones, the Senate and House of Representatives, Ministers and Representatives of key agencies.

Other members of the National Steering Committee are major political parties, Association of Local Governments of Nigeria ALGON, captains of industries, Labour Organisations, Youth Organisations and Women’s Societies, Farmers’ Associations, Traditional and Religious Leaders, people with special needs and members of the press.