NAF Develops Ground To Air VHF Radio, Others, To Boost Security

Written by Bunmi Abdulraheem

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has unveiled Very High Frequency (VHF) manpack radio to enable unhindered communication between ground troops and airborne jets in operational areas.

The radio would provide good communication support for airborne aircraft in operational areas and by so doing reduce cases of sabotage, friendly fires and other issues that usually occur as a result of gaps/breach in communication.

Also, the radio is wireless and designed such that the ground troops can carry it about in their manpack and has a longer battery lifespan.

The radio, which was produced by personnel attached to the 041 Communications Depot, Shasha, with locally sourced materials, was one of several other equipment presented by various units at this year’s Logistics Command’s Research and Development Competition held on Monday.

Declaring the competition open, the Air Officer Commanding (AOC) Logistics Command, Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Sunday Makinde said the NAF as a technology-driven service, places a high premium on Research and Development (R&D).

Makinde who was represented by the command’s Chief Staff Officer (CSO), AVM Cosmos Ozogwu, said the annual competition at unit and command levels was introduced to further promote the Chief of Air Staff’s vision- “sustenance of platforms and equipment Serviceability through innovative maintenance methods and logistics support systems”.

He said: “The objective of this competition was to showcase the command’s innovative ideas towards finding a solution to operational, maintenance and other service-related problems in the NAF. The competition would also enable the command to prepare for the Nigerian Air Force inter commands R & D competition coming up this year.”

Other equipment exhibited at the competition included a test set for the C-130H fuel quantity indicator system; a single barrel rocket launcher to increase maneuverability and flexibility of good rocket fire, and a parachute packing machine for the Alpha jet aircraft ejection set.

An electronic dependants’ gate pass also constructed by 041 Communication Depot, showcased the ingenuity and originality of the personnel in evolving local solutions to bridging gaps in secure communications and intelligence sharing.

They demonstrated how it would work with a digital database of all residents at the various barracks to check intruders and criminally minded persons.