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“No Plans To Shut down Petrol Stations” :IPMAN

Independent petroleum product marketers have debunked a directive asking members to shut down their petrol stations across the country.

The shut-down order, which trended on social media on Monday, was purportedly issued by a faction within the leadership of the marketers association.

However, a statement by the National President of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), Alhaji Sanusi Fari, urged members of the public to ignore the directive.

“We wish to inform the general public that our members have no plans to shut down any petrol station in the country.

“There is no reason to take such action and we call on members of the public to ignore those whose stock in trade is to sabotage the efforts of the federal government and the Petroleum Product Marketing Company (PPMC) to provide uninterrupted supply of petroleum products nationwide,” the statement said.

Fari explained that members of the association were already working with allied unions and associations in the petroleum industry to ensure adequate supply of petroleum products nationwide.

Stating that the objective of those he described as “fifth columnists” was to trigger panic buying, Fari urged members of the public to ignore any directive emanating from any other sources other than the legally recognised IPMAN leadership.

“We are asking the general public to ignore any information emanating from any unscrupulous individuals attempting to hijack the association for their selfish and profiteering adventure.

“Those individuals lack the capacity to call off our services as they are illegally parading themselves as officers of the association in total disregard and disobedience to the Supreme Court judgment of 14th December, 2018.

“We enjoin the general public to go about their normal activities as we continue to support the Federal government through the Ministry of Petroleum Resources and NNPC in ensuring availability of petroleum products across the country,” the association said.