KNSG Expresses Concern Over High Rate Of Divorce

Written by Bunmi Abdulraheem

From Khadijah Aliyu, Kano

Mutual understanding and effective communication has been described as one of the pillars of promoting peaceful coexistence and harmony between couples.

The commander general of the Kano state hisbah board Sheikh Harun Muhammad Sani Ibn Sina made the disclosure during a seminar on marriage and other matrimonial issues organized by the agency in kano.

He explaind that marriage has been prescribed by Islam to serve as means of tranquility, love and compassion among mankind

According to Sheikh Ibn Sina couples should imbibe the spirit of patience and forgiveness as it will go a long way in promoting love and peace between families.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) encourage couples to express love to one another.It is advisible to proclaim your love to your wife by saying I LOVE YOU,it makes her feel special”

In a remark, Kano state commissioner of women Affairs and social development Dr. Zahra’u Muhammad Umar pointed that couples should always avoid controversial issues capable of disrupting peace within the family.

She urged married couples to imbibe the teachings of Islam regarding marriage which ensured men and women serve as friends and protectors of one another aginst all forms of vices.

Kano state government is concerned about the high rate of divorce and how to bring an end to the menace.Most of our youths are faced with marital problems which leads to high blood pressure and depression”

Also speaking the chairman of north west and Kano state council of ulama Sheikh Ibrahim Khalil described divorce as one of the major societal problems, Saying both men and women lack the proper knowledge about their responsibilities towards their spouses which leads to high rate of divorce.

He described the seminar as timely and urged participants to make judicious use of the knowledge gained.

Allah (SWT) has chosen marriage as a way of life to ensure the continuity of mankind. Many are misusing and under rating marriage institution due to lack of proper knowledge on rights of spouses”

The event attracted traditional and religious leaders,government officials,men and women within and outside the state.