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Minister of State Foreign Affairs Expresses Shock Over Students Abduction In Niger

Written by fadila yunusa

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Zubairu Dada has expressed shock over abduction of some students and their teachers by bandits at the Government Science College, Kagara, Niger State

Ambassador Zubairu Dada said the bad news came just few days after bandits stopped a moving Niger State Transport Authority, (NSTA) bus and took away the passagers onboard.

While expressing sadness over the ugly developments, the Minister condemned in totality any act of terrorism, kidnapping and banditry.

He commended President Muhammadu Buhari for his timely intervention by directing the Armed Forces and Police, to ensure immediate and safe return of all the captives.

The Minister also thanked the Niger State Government for closing down all boarding schools affected by activities of bandits, namely; Mariga, Munya, Rafi and Shiroro Local Government Areas.

Ambassador Zubairu Dada while joining the families of the victims to pray for the safe return of their loved ones, also prayed to God to bring to an end all acts of terrorism and other crimes across the country.