Labour Leader Advocates Inclusion Of Youths In Governance

Vice President Industrial Global Union, Comrade Issa Aremu says the ongoing street protests across Nigeria, offers an opportunity for leaders to promote youths inclusion in governance.

Comrade Issa Aremu made this known in Kaduna at a press briefing in response to the continuous ENDSARS protest across the Country.

Comrade Issa Aremu

The Comrade regretted that Nigeria was paying the price for youths exclusion in National development, a situation he said has been on for a long time.

He however said the protesters had made their points loud and clear, but insisted that street protests had its limits.

Speaking from the labour point of view, Comrade Aremu noted that forces of darkness usually take advantage of genuine protests to perpetrate evil, as its currently happening to the ENDSARS protests.

Comrade Aremu charged the protesters to work towards ensuring implementation of the five points raised against police brutality, which he affirmed would be achieved through dialogue.

 The Industrial Global Union Vice President said Government at all levels should see events in the last few days as an avenue to address unemployment and mistrust between citizens and the police force.

 He was particularly pleased with Governors that have set up Judicial panels of inquiry into police brutality saying, recommendations must be sincerely implemented.

Comrade Aremu further lamented that the continuous closure of Universities had fueled the recent unrest, adding that students should be allowed back in school to preoccupy them with their studies.