Stakeholders Sue For Peace In Atyap Chiefdom

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Natives of Atyap Chiefdom in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State have resolved to live in peace and therefore want the State Government to lift the curfew imposed on the area.

            The Natives, made up of Atyap, Hausa, Fulani, Women and Youth  groups confirmed their position at a peace meeting organized by member Representing Zango/Jabba Federal Constituency, Amos Magaji and supported by House of Assembly Member, kwasu Angwulu, Chairman of the Council Area, Dr Elias Manza and Security Agencies.

            The House of Representatives Member Amos Magaji, emphasized the need for peaceful coexistence in the area, in spite of diverse differences.

            Amos Magaji was of the view that natives must learn to respect language differences, faith, customs and traditions of ethnic groups in the area.

            Also speaking at the peace parley, Chairman of the Council, Dr Elias Manza urged the Natives to appreciate their togetherness, describing it as a divine arrangement by God.

            On their part, the natives agreed to promote lasting peace, through sincere and constant dialogue, regretting that curfew imposed on the area had led to severe hardship.

            They also pledged to guard against provocative and derogatory comments from politicians, elders, youths and ethnic groups, adding that such comments had most often led to break down of law and order.

            Participants at the meeting believed that implementation of a white paper issued in 1992 would further bring about lasting peace in the area.